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Family And Leisure News

Free public transport for kids from July 6 to19

Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 07/01/2015.
Tags: Education And Politics Family And LeisureFree public transport for kids from July 6 to19

Transport Minister Paschal Donahoe, along with Anne Graham, CEO of the National Transport Authority (NTA), have today announced ... click to read full post & comments

Cheap loom bands may pose cancer risk to kids

Posted by Sally O'Brien, on 08/12/2014.
Tags: Family And Leisure ParentingCheap loom bands may pose cancer risk to kids

Children’s biggest summer craze, Loom Bands, are thought to be posing a cancer risk as some cheaper plastic varieties have been found to contain harmful chemicals. Rainbow Loom © is a plastic loom that is used to weave colorful bands into bracelets and charms. The original inventor, Cheong Choon Ng, from Michigan in US, is warning parents of counterfeit products that are ‘unsafe for children’ and have not been tested by either US, Japan or EU toy regulators.

The Assay Laboratory in the UK, who were asked by independent an toy dealer to test loom products found that ... click to read full post & comments

Free Travel in August on Child Leap Cards

Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 08/11/2014.
Tags: Family And Leisure ParentingFree Travel in August on Child Leap Cards

The National Transport Authority has announced free travel, from today (August 11) to August 24 inclusive, for all Child Leap Card holders aged between the ages of 4 and 18.

This free travel will be available on Dublin Bus, Luas, Swords Express, DART and short-hop Irish Rail in Dublin, and on Bus Éireann services in the Greater Dublin Area and in Cork.

The free travel promotion will encourage families and children to use public transport for their leisure activities in the final weeks of their school holidays. It also highlights ... click to read full post & comments

Funding only for 'no smoking' playgrounds

Posted by Elizabeth Clarke, on 07/24/2014.
Tags: Parenting Family And LeisureFunding only for 'no smoking' playgrounds

Newly appointed Minister for Children, James Reilly has announced that all children’s playgrounds and recreational areas will have to be smoke free zones in future if they are to receive government funding.

The Minister recently sanctioned capital grants of approximately €15,000 from a fund of €250,000 set aside for upgrading and building new children’s playgrounds and recreational projects.
Among the projects benefiting from recent funding include development of six urban, suburban and public housing play areas in ... click to read full post & comments

Asthma inhalers might stunt children's growth

Posted by Sally O'Brien, on 07/18/2014.
Tags: Parenting Family And LeisureAsthma inhalers might stunt children's growth

Children who use asthma inhalers are on average one inch shorter than their peers.

With Ireland one of the highest incidences of asthmas in the world, with more than 300,000 using inhalers, a new report has confirmed previous fears that asthma can stunt children’s growth.

Reported in worldwide media today, Brazilian scientists and researchers concluded after reviewing trial data on over 9000 children under 18yrs that ... click to read full post & comments

Tesco to remove sweets at checkouts

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 05/22/2014.
Tags: Parenting Family And LeisureTesco to remove sweets at checkouts

Tesco are pulling sweets from checkout counters this year according to Tesco Ireland's head, Phil J Clarke.

Following from supermarket chain Lidl, who have also announced banning confectionary from the checkout earlier this year, Tesco Ireland and UK are following suit. Leading health commentators and food safety watchdogs have ... click to read full post & comments

Effects of the economic downturn on children to be studied

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 05/10/2013.
Tags: Family And LeisureEffects of the economic downturn on children to be studied

The effect that the economic downturn has had on children in Ireland is to be looked at more closely.

Plans to measure this impact will include the lives of young people born in the boom years being compared with those born during the recession - and it is hoped the government will continue to fund such research in the future, the Irish Independent reports.

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Study finds 25% of children live in jobless homes

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 12/14/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureStudy finds 25% of children live in jobless homes

A new study has revealed almost a quarter of children in Ireland are growing up in a household where nobody is employed.

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) report found the nation has more households without a job than anywhere else in the European Union (EU).

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Pensioners 'risking financial stability to support adult children'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 12/05/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisurePensioners 'risking financial stability to support adult children'

An increasing number of pensioners are using their savings to help their adult children and grandchildren stay afloat.

New research from the National University of Ireland, Galway, revealed it is now far more common for pensioners to be helping their offspring than the other way round.

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Growing Up in Ireland study provides insight into teen life

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 11/30/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureGrowing Up in Ireland study provides insight into teen life

A new study has provided an insight into the life of the average teen living in Ireland, following in-depth interviews with 7,400 school children.

The Growing Up in Ireland survey was conducted by The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and saw 13-year-olds asked questions about four different areas of their life.

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Imaginosity recognised as Discover Science Centre

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 16/11/2012.
Tags: Family And Leisure Parenting Education And PoliticsImaginosity recognised as Discover Science Centre

Imaginosity is honoured to have recently received official recognition as a ‘Discover Science Centre’ by the Discover Primary Science and Maths Foundation. Imaginosity places an importance and emphasis on science and engineering, discovery and learning, through its varied interactive and educational daily programme of events and activities; hosted for both primary school and ... click to read full post & comments(2)

Software brings Facebook use and maths learning together

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 10/16/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureSoftware brings Facebook use and maths learning together

New software has been created that encourages children to enhance their maths ability in return for time that can be spent browsing social networking sites such as Facebook.

Ronan Higgins told the Irish Examiner how parents can install the programme and choose which websites they want to feature compulsory maths questions that must be answered before the site can be accessed.

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Govt. stands firm on child benefit cuts

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 10/03/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureGovt. stands firm on child benefit cuts

Protests from opposition politicians and social justice groups have done nothing to deter the government's plans to push ahead with cuts to child benefit rates.

Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney explained how the government is set to discuss a proposal for a two-tiered system of child benefit, with a flat rate and top-ups for low-income families.

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Toy Story 'number one film all children should see'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/30/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureToy Story 'number one film all children should see'

Toy Story has been named as the number one film children should see before they are nine-and-a-half due to its "essential life-lessons".

Child psychologist Dr Kairen Cullen compiled a list based on the entertainment value along with the film's moral themes.

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Summer Reading Programme launched

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/12/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureSummer Reading Programme launched

A Summer Reading Programme has been launched in Dublin by the Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn.

The initiative runs in public libraries throughout July and August each year and is designed to encourage children to read six or more books over the summer.

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Internet blamed for falling reading rates among children

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 06/20/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureInternet blamed for falling reading rates among children

The rise of the internet and a lack of encouragement at home have led to an increasing number of children turning away from reading.

A study by publisher Pearson found more than 40 per cent of teachers have noticed by the age of 11 many youngsters do not read for pleasure, the Daily Telegraph reports.

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Strict discipline 'can cause behavioural issues in kids'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 03/09/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureStrict discipline 'can cause behavioural issues in kids'

Children exposed to an authoritarian discipline style of parenting are as likely to display behavioural issues as those who are neglected.

This is according to Growing Up in Ireland's How Families Matter for Social and Emotional Outcomes of Nine-Year-Old Children report, which revealed 15 to 20 per cent of youngsters have significant levels of problems.

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After-school activities to be cut by stretched parents

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 03/06/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureAfter-school activities to be cut by stretched parents

Financial pressures are causing a third of parents to cut back on extra-curricular activities for their children, according to a new report.

A study commissioned by former building society EBS revealed a significant rise in the number of adults looking to save money by reducing spending on after-school groups.

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Safer Internet Day to educate youngsters

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 02/07/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureSafer Internet Day to educate youngsters

Schools across Ireland may be devoting some of their teaching resources towards helping educate pupils about how to stay safe online as part of Safer Internet Day (SID), which is taking place today (February 7th).

This is the ninth year the event has been organised and lessons will take place in over 70 countries around the world to mark the occasion, which has been arranged by the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme.

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Cuts announced for Communion and Confirmation ENPs

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 02/02/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureCuts announced for Communion and Confirmation ENPs

Exceptional needs payments (ENPs) for school kids' Communions and Confirmations are to be cut under government reforms.

The Irish Examiner reports how only "hardship" cases will receive a contribution, with the amount falling from an average of 242 euros to a maximum of 110 euros.

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Study reveals impact of hobbies on learning

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 01/27/2012.
Tags: Family And LeisureStudy reveals impact of hobbies on learning

Children who attend after school programs may perform better in reading and maths tests, according to a new report.

The latest research from the Economic and Social Research Institute's Growing Up In Ireland study found children who participate in activities such as sports and cultural pursuits have higher test scores than those who spend their free time watching TV.

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Christmas Day Childline calls rise by 38%

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 28/12/2011.
Tags: Family And LeisureChristmas Day Childline calls rise by 38%

The number of children getting in touch with the Childline service on Christmas Day this year rose by 38 per cent compared with 2010, according to figures from the ISPCC.

It noted 1,387 calls, texts and messages were received over the 24-hour period, which the charity said reflected an escalating demand for its assistance this year.

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Send the gift of Education this christmas with Irish Charity Camara

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 12/09/2011.
Tags: Family And Leisure Parenting Teachers

text re imageCamara Education, an award-winning charity and social enterprise, is providing the ideal gift this Christmas to show friends and family how much you care in a unique and meaningful way - by sending the gift of a computer to an African school on their behalf for only €15.

Camara Education is an Irish NGO that works to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by using technology to enhance the quality of education in disadvantaged schools. Its vision is that of a world where even the poorest have access to quality education. Education is the key to solving Africa's problems. Harnessing the power of technology in education can ... click to read full post & comments

Less than one in ten students read newspapers, study claims

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 10/21/2011.
Tags: Family And LeisureLess than one in ten students read newspapers, study claims

The majority of secondary school children in Ireland do not rely on newspapers as their main source for information about current events, a new study has found.

According to a survey by the Central Statistics Office, 9.4 per cent of the 7,211 youngsters questioned used print media as their primary news source, whereas almost four out of ten said the TV was their first choice.

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Many children 'missing out' on basic necessities

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 09/13/2011.
Tags: Family And LeisureMany children 'missing out' on basic necessities

A large number of children in Ireland are going without a number of basic necessities, according to a new report that has revealed the extent of poverty in the country.

The study, which was conducted by the Children's Research Centre at Trinity College Dublin in association with Barnados and the Society of St Vincent de Paul, identified a list of 12 items cited by youngsters as being essential.

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New Navigation on

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 08/21/2011.
Tags: Family And Leisure

text re imageWe are happy to announce that we have just installed our new navigation system on the website. We hope it will make it easier for users to find their way around.

A drop down menu now appears when you hover over the category headings on our 'pencil navigation bar', and allow you to see a broader range of related links than before. And the ‘breadcrumb’ just underneath the pencil gives you a better idea for what part of the site you are currently in.  

We have also introduced ‘Quick Links’ at the top left of each page, which are links to the most popular sections on the site at a given time of year. And ‘See More’ links, on the bottom left, shows links to other related content based on the page you are reading.

We hope you find the new navigation an improvement – we know it will take a visit or two for our regular visitors to get familiar with the change. Let us know what you think (or if we have broken any links!) by using the comment facility below or emailing us to

While you’re checking out our new navigation, don’t forget to visit our new Amazon Store where you’ll find lots of useful parenting items, educational toys and books including those especially relevant to Irish parents. 

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Heritage sites to offer free entry

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/08/2011.
Tags: Family And LeisureHeritage sites to offer free entry

Parents looking for activities to keep their children occupied this summer may be interested to hear that entry to all sites run by the Office of Public Works (OPW) will be free of charge on the first Wednesday of every month.

There are around 750 such locations throughout the country and, while many are permanently free to enter, the initiative will benefit several popular attractions, including Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin Castle and the Rock of Cashel, the Irish Times reported.

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All-inclusive holidays 'are a great idea for families'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 06/01/2010.
Tags: Family And LeisureAll-inclusive holidays 'are a great idea for families'

Families planning to jet abroad this year have been offered some advice on how to keep their costs down.

Speaking recently, Victoria Sanders, managing director of Teletext Holidays, said all-inclusive holidays can be a good option for those looking to save money this summer.

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Cruises 'are a great option for families'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 05/24/2010.
Tags: Family And LeisureCruises 'are a great option for families'

Families planning to take a break abroad this summer have been advised that cruises can be a great option for those with children.

Melissa Paloti, managing editor of Cruise Critic, said holidays at sea are becoming increasingly family-friendly, with many ships now boasting rock-climbing walls, bowling alleys and teen discos.

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Holidays 'are an essential time for children to relax'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 05/13/2010.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureHolidays 'are an essential time for children to relax'

Children should not be made to do excessive amounts of homework and school projects during the holidays.

This is according to Margaret Morrissey, a spokesperson for Parents Outloud, who said it is not acceptable for youngsters to be weighed down with work during their time off.

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Eating as a family 'is important'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 01/26/2010.
Tags: Family And LeisureEating as a family 'is important'

Sharing a meal is a great way for families to communicate and strengthen bonds, it has been claimed.

Alison Morris, editor of, said parents who dine alongside their children can also demonstrate good table manners to set a positive example.

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Mums 'should get kids involved in exercise'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 01/07/2010.
Tags: Family And LeisureMums 'should get kids involved in exercise'

With the festive season now behind us, many parents will be making new year's resolutions and trying to shape up for 2010.

However, one expert has suggested that busy mums can benefit from involving their children in their new routine.

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Budget places "a burden of pain" on families with children

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 12/14/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureBudget places

The government has been accused of placing a "burden of pain" on families with children.

Labour finance spokesperson Joan Burton said last week's Budget will have the biggest impact on people with children and those who receive social welfare payments, the Irish Times reports.

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Books 'make great Christmas presents for kids'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 12/09/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureBooks 'make great Christmas presents for kids'

With the festive season already upon us, parents will no doubt be snapping up presents for their children over the coming weeks.

Writing for the Irish Independent, Sarah Webb claimed that Christmas is a great time to buy books for youngsters.

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Parents offered travel advice

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 08/07/2009.
Tags: Family And LeisureParents offered travel advice

Those jetting abroad with their children this summer have been offered some expert advice.

According to holiday firm Essential Travel, there are many ways in which parents can make their journeys a little easier.

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Older children 'can benefit from family holidays'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/30/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureOlder children 'can benefit from family holidays'

For many children, regular family holidays end at the age of 16, when jobs and friends get in the way of traditional breaks.

However, according to one travel expert, kids are never too old to take a break with mum and dad.

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Parents 'spend holidays stressing'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/24/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureParents 'spend holidays stressing'

The stress of packing for a family break and ensuring that everyone is organised means it takes parents an average of two days to settle down and relax when on holiday.

A study carried out by Norfolkline Ferries, which operates services between Ireland and the UK, revealed that 39 per cent of parents worry about packing and preparing the family for departure.

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Children's playgrounds 'more popular than ever'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 07/15/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureChildren's playgrounds 'more popular than ever'

Parents are shunning costly activities and taking their children to playgrounds instead, it has been claimed.

Writing in the Irish Times, Mary Kirwan said that high unemployment rates mean many families no longer have the money to pay for their youngsters to attend creches and activity centres.

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Ireland has 'highest proportion of young children'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 06/19/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And Leisure Education And PoliticsIreland has 'highest proportion of young children'

Ireland is home to a higher proportion of young children than any other EU state, it has been revealed.

Figures compiled by the Central Statistics Office show that in 2008, 7.4 per cent of the country's population was under the age of four, compared to the EU average of 5.2 per cent.

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Parents 'need flexibility' from employers

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 06/01/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureParents 'need flexibility' from employers

Flexibility is the most important factor for parents when it comes to employment.

That is the opinion of Sarah Jackson, chief executive of Working Families, who said that having kids means parents often do not know what will happen the next day and may have to deal with unforeseen illnesses and other situations.

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Children 'discover the joys of gardening'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 05/07/2009.
Tags: Parenting Kids Family And LeisureChildren 'discover the joys of gardening'

An increasing number of schoolchildren are discovering the joys of gardening, it has been reported.

According to the Irish Independent, "progressive" principals across the country are beginning to introduce gardening into the classroom.

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Dublin rated on standard of living

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 04/30/2009.
Tags: Family And LeisureDublin rated on standard of living

Given the choice of any city in the world, there are few better places to live with one's family than Dublin, it has emerged.

In Mercer's annual Worldwide Quality of Living Survey, the Irish capital was ranked 25th - placing it higher than Singapore, Brisbane and Paris.

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No room for Harry Potter in Children's Laureates' list

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 04/30/2009.
Tags: Family And LeisureNo room for Harry Potter in Children's Laureates' list

Despite the phenomenal success of JK Rowling's Harry Potter series of children's books, experts still believe that the old classics are best for kids.

The Children's Laureate Michael Rosen and his four predecessors have each selected seven children's books which they regard as greats - but there were was no room in any of the lists for the young wizard from Hogwarts.

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Teens urged to 'discuss parent break-ups'

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound on 04/27/2009.
Tags: Family And LeisureTeens urged to 'discuss parent break-ups'

Students should seek advice and talk to someone if they are affected by the separation of their parents, it has been claimed.

Speaking to the Irish Times, Francesca McGuinn of Teen Between – an organisation which provides support to young people – said it is important that Junior and Leaving Cert students do not let problems at home jeopardise their education and stop them fulfilling their full potential.

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Related Links

Choosing your Family Break
Organising Communion & Confirmation celebrations
Afterschool Activities to suit all
Planning your child or teens birthday celebrationss
Kids campsl during school holidays

Recent Comments

Childcare Clonsilla village (Gina 60, 18/07 12:49)
For Sale - Loreto College Foxrock School Uniform (crena, 18/07 11:40)
Uniform for sale (rjg, 17/07 12:18)
Home Based Summer Programme (Sharon EK Gleeson, 17/07 11:55)
After school pick up available (Finglas) (Ciara Behan, 17/07 08:24)
New Upskilling Programme for post-primary teachers in Irish (Catherine , 17/07 01:55)
Free LC Books available (MW456, 16/07 13:26)
second hand school uniform (impactfluid, 16/07 10:01)
Childminder needed - Stillorgan area (LCC, 14/07 14:42)
