New Health Service Executive (HSE) reports have highlighted concerns regarding the safety of at-risk children in Ireland.
According to the nine documents, more than 70 vulnerable young people have died since the beginning of 2010 while either in HSE care or shortly after leaving the system.
This is the equivalent of almost one child or teenager having passed away every fortnight in this time. The National Review Panel stressed the HSE was not directly responsible for most of the deaths - but it was noted that the lives of vulnerable children may be placed at risk due to a lack of action to solve known problems.
A number of concerns were raised through the documents - namely delays in dealing with sex abuse claims, low staff levels, missing files and drug addiction.
Despite there being an acknowledgement that progress is being made in these areas, the review team stated: "In one-third of the published [individual case] reports, the social work departments were challenged in their capacity to deal with the pressure of work being referred to them."
Written by Donal Walsh
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