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Leaving Certificate Appeals 2024

Leaving Certificate 2024 Appeals Dates

Applications to appeal your Leaving Certificate 2024 results will open on Sunday, 1st September at 10am and close on Monday, 2nd September at 5pm. In order to make an appeal application, you should use the online Appeals Application Service on the Candidate Self Service Portal

The fee to appeal a result is €40 per subject for Leaving Certificate and €15.50 per subject for Leaving Certificate applied. The fee is refunded in the case of a successful appeal. The SEC automatically informs the CAO of all changes of results following the appeals process. Appeals Results will issue at 11am on Friday 27th September.

The SEC will not accept late applications for viewing or for appeals

Appeals Process

It is open to a candidate to appeal his/her examination results.

Appealing Marked Scripts

An appeal of your written examinations script is where you ask for the script to be re-marked. It is generally recommended (though not essential) that you apply to view your exam scripts before applying for an Appeal. Appeal Applications should be made using the online Appeals Application Service on the Candidate Self-Service Portal.

Once you have logged in, you will be presented with details of the subjects of the examinations that you sat. To apply for an appeal, you should tick the ‘Appeal’ box across from the subject(s) you choose to appeal and complete the online appeal application. This application will be the same for all scripts whether marked manually or online.

An Appeal Confirmation form will be emailed to you and you should ensure the details on this are correct as late appeals will not be accepted under any circumstances. .

Your script will be sent to an appeal examiner for re-marking. This will not be the same person who originally marked your work. The same marking scheme is used for re-marking. This means that appeal examiners apply the same standards in re-marking as were applied to all candidates in the original examination.

Rectification outside of the appeal process
If you have viewed your script and believe there is a clear discrepancy between the mark awarded and the subsequent grade awarded, you also have means of redress. You should ask the Organising Superintendent at the viewing session for a Rectification Outside of the Appeal Process Form (Form ROAP1). This rectification service applies only where it is clear that the total mark is inconsistent with the grade awarded and where this matter can be resolved administratively

Appeal Results

Appeals Results will issue at 11am on Friday 27th September.
After the appeals results are issued, candidates are entitled to view their scripts again, including the responses recorded by the appeal examiner. If the candidate is still unhappy with their grade and feels that they should have received a higher one, they can appeal to a panel of Independent Appeal Scrutineers. The candidate can then raise concerns regarding the marking of their paper/s with the panel.

View Examinations Commission Results
& Appeals Guide

Important Dates

23rd Aug - 10am - Issue of results to students & schools
27th Aug- 12pm - Student Portal re-opens providing additional data on student grades
27th Aug- 5pm - Applications to View Scripts Opens
28th Aug- 8pm - Applications to View Scripts Closes
28th Aug - 2pm - CAO Round 1 offers issued
31st Aug - 1st Sept Viewing of Scripts
1st Sept - 10am - Appeals Application Process Opens
2nd Sept- 5pm - Appeals Application Process Closes
3rd Sept - Acceptance cut off for Round 1 CAO Offers 3pm
9th Sept - CAO Round 2 offers issued to students
11th Sept - 3pm - Acceptance cut off for Round 2 CAO Offers
27th Sept - 11am - Leaving Cert Appeal Results issue
