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Meningitis Cases Peaking during Winter months

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound, on 02/12/2016. Meningitis Cases Peaking during Winter monthsTags: Parentng

Flu or Meningitis….would you know the difference? ACT for Meningitis is issuing a warning as winter time is upon us.

There is a higher risk of Meningitis during the winter months. As people spend a lot more time indoors and with close contact, germs are spread more easily. Also, coming down with a 'cold' or the 'flu’ may weaken the immune system making you more susceptible to the disease.

Make sure you know the signs and symptoms:

While early symptoms which include headache, fever, vomiting, muscle pain, are flu like symptoms someone with Meningitis or septicaemia can get a lot worse very quickly so keep checking them.

Further specific symptoms of Meningitis include fever with cold hands and feet, stiff neck, dislike to bright lights, drowsiness, confusion and a rash which doesn't fade under pressure

In babies can also include being irritable, refusing to feed, high pitched crying, rapid breathing cold hands and feet and a bulging fontanelle (soft spot on the top of the head). They symptoms may appear in any order or some may not appear at all.

Siobhan Carroll CEO of the charity says "The symptoms may be difficult to spot as many of the early symptoms can be similar to those of flu, so we ask people to TRUST THEIR INSTINCTS and if they suspect Meningitis, seek medical help immediately.

There is a FREE ACT for Meningitis signs and symptom App available now for download from both Google Play and Apple Store or contact thecharity on 091 380058 to order your free awareness cards.


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