Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 08/03/2016. Tags: Parents Teachers
The ISPCC has launched a social media public awareness
campaign to draw attention to the issue of cyberbullying, advising that ‘your words can hurt, choose them wisely’.
The week long campaign runs from 7th-13th March and highlights how cyberbullying presents new challenges for children and parents. There can be a much wider audience reached within seconds and the messages can be permanent. An additional aspect of cyberbullying is the fact that children spend so much time online; there is often no escape for victims. There is also a veil of anonymity, with victims unsure of who is targeting them.
Key to addressing this is being mindful of what you post online. The ISPCC continually encourages and educates young people to be mindful and to think of other people’s feelings before they post anything online but this must be emulated by adults, who have a powerful influence on what children and young people do.
ISPCC National Anti- Bullying Coordinator Sinead McKee “Bullying can have detrimental effects on a young person’s confidence, self-esteem and mental health. We must recognise that the behaviour of adults online is powerfully influencing younger generations. Our Campaign ‘Your words can hurt. Choose them wisely’ is targeting not just children and young people but it is also asking adults to be mindful before they engage with others online. As adults we can say things online or via social messenger apps that we would never say face to face. We cannot expect our children to be more empathetic and mindful if we are not."
With this in mind the ISPCC is asking adults to lead by example and to role model positive appropriate online behaviour. It costs nothing to think of others but there can be a huge cost to the self-esteem and mental health of other people if we are not sensitive and aware.
The ISPCC will be promoting the #wordscanhurt campaign throughout this week and will be providing tips and advice to parents and young people for online ‘netiquette’.
#wordscanhurtISPCC Supports
- The ISPCC provides a helpline for parents or members of the public who may be concerned about the welfare of a child and who need information and support. This service is available
- Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.Call ISPCC Head Office on 01 6767960 for more information.
- For children and young people our Bullying support text service is available every day from 10 a.m. to 4 texting the word ‘bully’ to 50101.
- Childline can also be accessed by phone, text or through our website. The phone line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the number is 1800 666 666.
- Alternatively you can chat to us live from 10 a.m. to 4 a.m. on the One to One facility on our website
- The ISPCC and Vodafone’s recently launched the first of their Be Strong Online modules. These modules are aimed to support young people improve their digital safety. The first of these focuses on the issue of cyberbullying more information available at
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