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Leaving Cert exams underway but still no date for results

Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 08/06/2022. Leaving Cert exams underway but still no date for resultsTags: Parenting

The Junior and Leaving Certificate written examinations have gotten underway this morning marking the return to traditional written June exams after two years disruption due to Covid.

It is anticipated that 63,383 students will be sitting the Leaving Certificate exams with 64,048 sitting the Junior Certificate Examinations.This year’s examinations will be held in 5,575 examination centres running until Tuesday 28 June for Leaving Certificate (Established and Vocational); Thursday 16 June for Leaving Certificate Applied; and Monday 20 June for Junior Cycle examinations.

There will be a further deferred sitting of the Leaving Certificate Exams in early July for students who develop Covid-19 symptoms during the June exams. There is still no update on when Leaving Certificate results will be made available.

The Minister for Education Norma Foley and the Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion Josepha Madigan have sent their best wishes to the 131,431 students sitting the Junior Cycle, Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examinations starting on Wednesday 8 June.

Minister Foley said:

“I would like to send the very best of luck to the class of 2022 sitting their Junior Cycle, Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examinations. You have worked tirelessly and diligently, even through the unique challenges of the last two years. That perseverance has brought you here, the hard work is done and will stand to you in the coming days and weeks.

“This year we are seeing the full return of externally delivered examinations as well as the first full year of exams under the revised Junior Cycle Framework. I would like to acknowledge the work of the State Examinations Commission and post-primary schools across the country in ensuring that we can deliver exams similar to those prior to the pandemic.

“It is also important to note that we will have a deferred sitting of the Leaving Certificate examinations starting on 30 June for any student who contracts COVID-19 or cannot attend an exam due to COVID-19 symptoms as well as close family bereavement or serious injury or illness. Full details of these arrangements have been made available to schools and candidates have been informed of the terms and conditions that apply.”


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