Posted by Mother Hen on 23/10/2008. Tags: Education And Politics
The education cuts announced in the
2009 Budget have resulted in an increasing groundswell of disbelief, disappointment and growing anger. John Carr, Head of the
INTO, has described the budget as
“the most callous, savage attack ever undertaken against primary-school children in this country” The Post-Primary Education Forum - the lobby group representing teachers, parents and school managers - said school closures appeared inevitable unless the Budget cuts were rescinded. "Entire school communities - pupils, families, teachers and school managements - have been dealt a severe blow”
Mother Hen has set out below the main cut outlined in the budget. Let us know how are these cuts going to affect your school and your children – post your thoughts on the budget and less us know of any protests organised in your area.
Budget Cuts An increase in Class Sizes – Class sizes will increase from 27 to 28 pupils per class at primary level and 18 to 19 per class at secondary level. According to the Dept of Educ this will result in about 200 teachers and primary and 200 teachers at post-primary loosing their jobs however teachers and their unions argues that the job losses will be substantially higher with around 1200 losing their jobs at post-primary level. In primary schools, classes will have to merge, and having to send pupils home on some days may be the only option. Second-level schools will have to cut the range of subjects. Higher pupil-teacher ratios for a second-level school that loses two teachers will mean a loss of around 66 weekly timetabled class periods.The increase in class sizes will mean that Irish children will have the largest class sizes in Europe.
Language-Support Posts Decimated – A cap of two language support teachers per school is to be introduced regardless of how many newcomer students a school has. For example a school who had 160 students requiring English language tuition would have had six language-support teachers only to see that now being reduced to two, with four teachers to loose their jobs and 160 students to receive limited support from only 2 teachers.
Substitution Cover Withdrawn – This means that teachers absent on uncertified sick leave or absent on school business at 2nd level will not be entitled to substitute cover. Where such absences arise, schools will be expected to distribute students amongst other classes. This could potentially mean the end of all inter-school sports and debating, students going to the theatre, essential field trips such as biology and geography, and transition year outdoor pursuits. Participating in the Young Scientist Exhibition, the Higher Options Conference or careers open days could also prove difficult.
Disadvantaged Funding Cut – Schools who had qualified for special teacher posts to provide support for disadvantaged students have had this posts abolished whilst extra money for Traveller children in this schools has also been withdrawn.
Free Books Scheme Abolished – all schools, apart from disadvantaged schools in the DEIS scheme, loose the allowance that enabled them to provide free school books to some students.
Post-Primary Grants Cut – Grants for transition year, LCVP, Leaving Cert Applied, home economics, chemistry and physics, choirs and orchestras and Junior Certificate schools programmes have all been abolished. All funding for the Centre for Talented Youth in DCU, and for summer courses in Gaeltacht Irish colleges, is also gone.
Traveller Funding Cut – capitation funding for Travellers in non-disadvantaged schools has been withdrawn while funding for Travellers in disadvantaged schools is to be reduced.
Grant for Resource Teaching Abolished – The grant which Resource teachers received for equipment and materials to enable them to teach students with special needs has been withdrawn.
National Development Plan Funding for Computers in Schools Postponed - €252 million which was to been spent on ICT between 2007 and 2013 has been postponed.
A Demonstration has been organised for outside Dail Eireann on Wednesday next, 29th October at 6.30pm and is being supported by the
(28-10-2008 17:13)
I think its a disgrace Making our children and old folks paying for the ministers fat pay checks !!!!!!
Everyone will have to make a stand it will be the usual low income familys and the hard working class that pays
(29-10-2008 10:41)
I can't believe the decisions that this government have made with regard to our senior citizens, school children and the ordinary people of this country that are trying to make ends meet as it is. My child already has 39 in his class!!!!!!!!!! Which is a disgrace as it is, parents will have to stand up and be heard on this matter or the education of our children will go down the drain
(26-11-2008 19:16)
qualified and experince babysitter available weekdays and weekends to start straight away
(28-10-2008 13:58)
Families have been hit at every level: the education, the VAT, the income levy, abolishing child support for over 18s, Increase in hiospital and A&E fees(any one with sporting children will suffer)
how on earth is any family going to manage to bring their children up in a healthy and care free environment?
Shame on this government!!
(01-11-2008 00:46)
I have to agree with you all, And i also want to add that I will never ever ever be voting for our goverment again. I want them all SACKED!!! and normal people with the country's interest at heart to be given a chance to run this country the way it should be. I HATE every single one of them like I've never HATED any one in my whole entire life.. I am 28 years of age and I have 2 children one of witch is in senior infants and to think that our goverment want to ruin our childrens future who will i might add be the country's future in another few years to come is a total disgrace.. what they have done to the old age people of this country is a total disgrace these are people that have worked their fingures to the bone, paid their taxes and most of the time in their day went cold and hungry for this country and the GOVERMENT take their medical cards away??? these are people that should be living rent free paid for by the GOVERMENT, they should have no worries about were their next meal is coming from or how they'll pay when they get sick, or even how they'll heat their houses during this cold cold cold winter they hit the most vunerable people here with this budget and now their after our kids?? well i for one am not sitting quiet on this one. My daughter is so unbelieveabley clever and smart for a child of her age, as I am sure others are to so I am not going too sit by and let the worlds most biggest idiots in our goverment ruin her chances in life NO WAY.. so I am not just calling on these yokes of people to back off with the budget I want them all SACKED!!!! They are ruining our country and the PEOPLE have to stand up and say 'HELL NO' leave our old age people, our children and our MONEY alone and go and get yourselves a job where you actually EARN your own money and LEAVE OURS ALONE..... WE WORK BLOODY HARD FOR OURS UNLIKE THE GOVERMENT who do NOTHING but rob us blind and in daylight too. Soooooo lets take a stand all together and say 'HELL NO.. GOVERMENT MUST GO...'
(29-10-2008 11:29)
All I can say is I'm so glad I voted for none of them in the last general election i.e. Fianna Fail & Greens. And I hope a lot more will vote against them when the next election comes along. The fat cats can sit back now and laugh. It's the elderly who built the country, the children who they expect to be the future of this country and the ordinary person trying to make ends meet suffer now. It seems we never get a chance. Well it's a disgrace and the government should be well ashamed of themselves. Not forgetting children's allowance finished at 18 just as they hopefully go to college to face e1500 Reg fees as if it wasn't enough already. I wonder do they care at all for anyone other than themselves. Let the politians give up their 'EXPENSES' and live off their wages like the rest of us and let that money fund our country and look after our children for once and for all...... The government make me sick!! Let's not give up on showing the government this will not be taken lying down
(31-10-2008 10:25)
What a great turn out on wednesday, even with the bad weather. Despite all the protests it doesn't sound as if the government is for turning or even perpared to make any adjustment to the education cuts.
(28-10-2008 23:26)
How can this govt attack our children?
(28-10-2008 21:05)
Yawn!! Wow what a dream. imagine this folks 27 kids in a class with our teachers, classroom assistants in our schools, learning support for our gifted and under privilaged children, access to school text books for those unable to meet the costs of these, not to mention being able to stock our school libaries, oh folks it was great, kids went to school and looked forward to going because some of their seniors where in a debating comp. not to mention the school sports team although not winning all their games got the kids up beat and positve about their school and themselves, they had kids spending time in school in the evening time so they could enter science competions in the RDS can you imagine kids wearing their school colours with pride and why ? well because when a teacher brought these kids to represent themselves and their school the kids left in the school building mentally cheering on their teams had a stand in teacher so their education was not put on hold.
In a few years this is how we will all feel Was a Dream? we will be asking ourselves cause if we allow them get away with these measures make my words in 6-12 mths time we will be all hear again giving out about lack of resources for our children the tax payers of the future Pay heed Mr Lenihan dont cut you nose despite your face.
(28-10-2008 14:36)
Was just listening to the news coverage on the education cuts over lunch on the radio. Doesn't sound like there is going to be any change in the government's position which make it all the more important that we all try and make anger felt by turning out for the protest tomorrow evening at 6.30pm outside Leinster House.
(29-10-2008 16:56)
I totally agree we must make a stand here now this is really pushing it. The two main sectors in our country that should be top priority are gone out the window in any other country the health and education always come first in our country its at the bottom. We are paying threw the roof on tax and for what nothing all they do is take take take. Its just not good enough!Our children deserve the best in both these categories and they are just not getting it. I am not racist but where is all our countries money going to all the refugees,and foreigners they get housing , socialising fees and many more things and here we are now not able to support our own.They say our country is gone and they need to make cut backs I think they need to take a better look at where all our money is going into there pockets with their high saleries and flash cars and also to support the non nationals.Shame on this government is right they have this country rightly screwed up now!!
(28-10-2008 12:57)
This is a disgrace what this Goverment is doing to us. I'm sure these short sighted ministers dont have to worry about their children's education it's all planned out for them. As parents we need to show these mad ministers we mean buisness We must make a stand for our children because if we dont the Goverment of Ireland certainly wont.
(28-10-2008 11:22)
I'm furious. I can't believe how short sighted the Minister for Education and the Finance Minister has been. They seem to be determined to set our education system back about 20 years. I'm sickened
(03-12-2008 11:35)
qualified childminder available straight away in cork city area
(20-12-2008 18:21)
I'm in my last year of secondary school. Because of cuts, the school is unable to fix computers straight any therefore work that is needed to be typed up for exam purposes, has to be typed up elsewhere. More pressure has been put on all students in the school especially exam classes like myself, if it wasn't bad enough already for us. Teachers white board markers waste in class, the school doesn't provide any so class is then put on hold.
I am on the book scheme in my school, I have done Transition year and I am doing LCVP in my Leaving Cert. i'm struggling with the Leaving Cert. Should future exam class have to go through the same thing?!?!
(29-10-2008 15:10)
Am FURIOUS at these cuts, as if our kids school wasnt disadvantaged enough!!! AM SO MAD..please please reconsider this, childrens education is SO important!
(28-10-2008 13:21)
I just emailed Mary Wallace.All the above comment's are right, we need to show this stupid goverment that we will not allow our children turn out like them. BRAINLESS !!!!! It is a joke, good on the old folk's and the French, let's revolt !!!
(13-02-2009 13:50)
I am not intending to sound like i live in a rose tinted cloud cuckoo land but we are hitting hard times thanks to the cutbacks our government are imposing on our children, from the youngest to the oldest. but we have to deal with it now, it is important that we do keep constantly venting our anger and dismay or they (the government)will think ''ah they shut up eventually'' but now is the time for action....if you can spare the time, volunteer an hour or so at your childrens schools, ask the class teachers how you can help. and if you are a teacher who has found themselves on the dole now, but your vocation is still there and your passion to nurture these young people who will shape our worlds is still as strong as ever, then i'm sure you would be a valuable and welcome free asset to our children's schools. lets show the fools that got us into this mess that they need us more than we need them!
(27-10-2008 14:51)
The INTO will also be organising Regional rallies against the cuts nationwide as follows:
Saturday 8th November: Galway
Saturday 15th November: Tullamore
Saturday 22nd November: Cork
Saturday 29th November: Donegal
Saturday 6th December: Dublin
Further details will appear on their website when finalised
(28-10-2008 11:29)
We need to start protesting LOUDLY about these cutbacks. Mail all your local TDs and go along to any protest marches you can. The old folks managed to kick up a storm. Surely us parents can manage to do the same.
(29-10-2008 23:57)
My daughters 4th class has 33 pupils at present (up from 28). But her teacher is leaving at Christmas, no one knows what happens now. I am sure (hope!) a replacement is available but no-one can answer that. Its utter madness that 9 weeks away we may have children been sent home for the remainder of the year. What possible saving can this make? Lenihan had the utter patronising cheek in closing his speech saying it was our "patriotic duty". This government collectively is so out of touch with reality it is scary.
(28-10-2008 13:24)
Disgrace, you children, second level, pensioners - all hit, and who pays - the ususal people, dont get me going
(01-11-2008 00:57)
aaaahhhhh I'm so angry right now at the way Ireland is been dragged down BIG TIME.... and by the people who are suppose to be the leaders (as such) hahaha people we're suppose to look up to... eh I think not...not any more.. these people haven't got a clue how to handle their own lives so what the hell made some one think they could run a country??? This is coming from a 28 year old woman so what chance does our country stand if our children grow up feeling the same way??? They have no right, NO RIGHT what so ever to make these choices without the vote of the people this is our country NOT THEIR'S so what gives them the right to mess up my children's (and your children's) lives???
(28-10-2008 19:17)
These cuts are nothing short of an absolute disgrace. How are we supposed to deliver the Revised Curriculum of 1999 which embrace collaborative and group learning when we are already operating in over-crowded classrooms?
In the current economic climate, the worst the government should have done was maintain the pupil-teacher ratio - not make a bad situation even worse by increasing it.
It's up to us all, parents and teachers alike, to speak up on behalf our children. These cuts simply cannot go ahead.
(29-10-2008 10:59)
Increasing the class teacher ratio from 27 to 28 - it makes me laugh. It's not as if the government had achieved the goal of only 27 students in a class. Look at the last poster (Dismayed Mum) - 39 in her sons class. Probably going to increase to over 40 with this governments wonderful new initiative!! They should be ashamed.