school voluntary contributions
re... : school voluntary contributions           18/05/2007 18:57 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- As the capitation grant from the department doesn´t cover the cost of running the school because it isn´t big enough, then it should be increased. As tax payers we don´t have a say in how much tax we pay, it is determined by our income, but as parents who are asked for a so called ´voluntary contribution´ we can have our say, we need not pay it! If we don´t keep bailing out our schools then the Department of Education will have to, I really don´t see why we should cover them left, right and centre. Gotta go, there´s an election candidate at my door! Oh, what can I discuss with him???!!
| re... : school voluntary contributions           01/06/2008 09:54 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- I totally agree with Ann07 - unless all parents refuse to pay the "voluntary" contribution the grant for the Dept of Ed & Sc will not be increased. But we would need to stick together on this. One or two parents in one or two schools is not enough for the Dept to sit up and take notice.
| re... : school voluntary contributions           11/03/2007 19:19 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- yes, its a primary school AND there is fund raising through the year. I help out with that and the extra curricular activities, but its still the negative feeling I get as we just cannot afford the money too
| re... : school voluntary contributions           11/03/2007 17:51 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- Gosh, that´s a significant contribution - do you mind me asking are you in a primary school and are there lots of other fundraising events that you have to contribute to throughout the year or do they roll it all into one contribution. In our school there is no fixed amount although there is mention that a contribution of €250 would also be tax beneficial. In fairness though they don´t send out any reminders if you don´t contribute. There are also a number of other fundraising events throughout the year.
| re : school voluntary contributions           02/09/2006 14:42 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- In our local primary school, the school actually states a recommended contribution of 60 Euros per child and that is usually the amount that most people give.
| re... : school voluntary contributions           10/04/2007 07:51 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- I think quite a few parents who cannot afford to make the donation would be uncomfortable about writing a note stating that they are not making a donation as it makes their financial circumstances that little bit more public. Is it not enough for the Parents Association to send out a few gentle reminders when sending out some other notices and then to assume that those who have not responded will not be contributing this year.
| re... : school voluntary contributions           18/05/2007 15:03 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- Hi I thought the whole point is that is a popular misconception that the department or the dioscese pay the full costs of the school. Most heads struggle to meet costs like insurance, heating, and other basics from the capitation fee. So a voluntary contribution is a good way for a Parents´ Association to kick start the fund raising. However the point is that it is "voluntary". There is nothing to stop you saying you won´t pay, or even to pay a lower amount and say that is what you are willing to contribute and leave it at that. If you disagree with how the amount is set then turn up and the Parents´ Association AGM and raise the issue. If you don´t then you can hardly complain about the decision making process.
| school voluntary contributions           02/09/2006 12:45 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- I know our school will shortly be sending out the letter for this year ´voluntary contribution´. They never ask for a specific amount and I am not sure what the ´norm´ is. I have tried to find out from other parents in the school but no-one really says how much they contribute. Can anyone give me any advice on what I should be contributing?
| re : school voluntary contributions           09/03/2007 19:58 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- The voluntary contribution in our school in 350 for two children. At the agm, the chairperson says what the amount is, no one disagrees, then a newsletter goes out saying all parents agreed at the recent meeting of the amount. they say its voluntary but if you don´t pay, you keep getting letters. It annoys me. I understand schools rely on this money but with the school uniform, books, and all the extra fees they ask for all year round, we just cannot afford it. iI feel the chairperson is swanning around in his 07 car and lives in his big mansion, and we are all supposed to follow! We don´t live in a flashy house, don´t have designer stuff or the latest gadgets, dont even go out! let alone having a foreign holiday or two cars, but we are made to feel bad by not paying, or even paying it all.
| re... : school voluntary contributions           15/04/2007 11:48 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- When writing to say you do not wish to make a voluntary contribution you do not need to give any reason at all, I never have. I think it´s important that parents make a stand for themselves, I have no problem with people donating money if they want to but I really don´t see why we should feel we have to. This is something I feel very strongly about, my financial position has got nothing to do with it. Just last week I got a phonecall from a woman whose daughter is going to start in the same secondary school as mine, she wanted to know what amount I paid for the voluntary contribution, she had heard it was a minimum of €500 and wasn´t sure she could afford that. I told her that I did not pay anything, that I have no problem paying registration fees, amenity fees or sports fees but if I am asked would I like to donate money to a school I always say no. It was on the advice of an honest Principal that I first refused to give the voluntary contribution, the cost of running a school is not the responsibility of the parents but of the diocese and the dept of education. Rant over!
| re... : school voluntary contributions           04/04/2007 14:06 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- This is a voluntary contribution and so until you state that you are not in a position to pay it they will keep asking you. If you think about it, whoever is in charge of keeping track of the money coming in has a list of every family, according as a contribution comes in that name is marked off the list, maybe an acknowledgement is sent, then every now and then that same person is asked to send letters to all those still not marked off. So, what you need to do is write a simple, short letter stating that you will not be making a donation this year, your name will most likely be marked off the list just like all the others. I have been on both sides of that fence, I was one of the people keeping track of who has donated and I was also a parent, in a different school, who wrote that letter to say thanks but no thanks. It´s not always the personal thing people think it is, it´s more of a recording issue than anything, apart from the money of course!