parents unhappy with amount of time principal spending outside classroom
parents unhappy with amount of time principal spending outside classroom           28/04/2008 20:22 - Parents Associations ----------------------------------- I presume we are not the only school with this problem. Our principal is a "walking" principal in that she teaches 4th 5th and 6th class in our school. Because of admin difficulties and workload she is absent from the classroom on what seems to be excessive amounts of time resulting in children not being properly prepared for secondary school. There is widespread discord in relation to the parents of children attenting these classes. Any ideas on what avenues are open to parents, parents association and/or board of management in relation to this issue.
re : parents unhappy with amount of time principal spending outside classroom           29/04/2008 07:30 - Parents Associations ----------------------------------- Sounds like a difficult situation Penny for both the parents & Principal. I cant imagine the Principal is happy with the situation either and I´m sure I have over time heard various representatives from Principals Associations on the radio complaining about lack of admin support for teaching Principals. It is ridiculous to expect the Principals to teach and to try and deal with all the admin returns & enquiries at the same time. The Dept of Educ should provide the resources but they obviously won´t.
So in the absence of resources from the Dept would your Parents/Parrents Assoc be in a position to fund raise to provide funds to recruit som part-time admin support for the school? Not an ideal solution I know but it could release the Principal to remain longer in the classroom. Even if you only raise enough to provide support for a couple of mornings a week or a couple of months in the year, it could help to improve the situation for your children.
Obviously before you head down that road you need to get the Principals support for the idea, outline your concerns and see if any other actions would alleviate her administrative burden and allow her more classroom time.