looking for montessori teaching job in dublin west
looking for montessori teaching job in dublin west           16/03/2009 15:23 - Pre-school / Montessori ----------------------------------- Hi, i am a fully qualified A.M.I teacher and a mum of two. i have taught for over four years in dublin and singapore. I took a career break to start a family.I am now looking for a montessori job preferably in lucan.If interested pls email me at murphysusan@gmail.com thanks
re : looking for montessori teaching job in dublin west           16/03/2009 18:40 - Pre-school / Montessori ----------------------------------- I wonder if you have seen this on the montessori page http://www.schooldays.ie/articles/montessori
Vacancy Full-time staff member required for Tots Pre-school in Prosperous Contact Amanda at 045 433477