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inappropriate teacher behavious

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
01/09/2009 11:25 - Teenage Issues
I find myself agreeing with the other posters here, Treasa. My advice to you would be that you would need to be very, very careful. Clearly you are angry but this person (who happens to be a teacher) surely also has a story to tell, which we have not had the benefit of hearing and are unlikely to hear.
At this point, you have obviously discussed this matter with a number of people so it is very possible that your story will be recognised here in this public forum.
By all means, keep a record of what you say has happened. Are you afraid that she may make (or may already have made) a complaint about your behaviour? If this alleged incident took place when there was drink involved on both sides, this is also of relevance. Regardless of the job this girl does, however, she is entitled to have a few drinks, like you or anybody in any other job. What is important is that this girl does not mistreat children in her care.
The possibility of a witch hunt is always a danger though. Are all the parents of children in the school now going to be discussing this teacher outside the school gate, as a result of what they have heard? This is exactly the kind of gossip that spreads like wildfire but it would be a very serious matter if it got back to you (not to mention the teacher). If the teacher chastises a child, or needs to have a difficult discussion with a parent, is it now going to be assumed that SHE is wrong, even though she may be perfectly in the right?
Perhaps this teacher needs to be more careful in future. I would advise you to move on and be careful of what you say and where you say it. Good Luck.

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
31/08/2009 19:16 - Teenage Issues
I don´t think it is your place to ring the employer. If she were a lawyer would you do so?

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
22/10/2009 14:03 - Teenage Issues
Reading this again, I find myself agreeing with Derby in particular. The word "assault" is completely overused. Also, the title of this post is very unfair. Having a disagreement with a stranger in a social setting, whatever the reason, may be entitled, "inappropriate behaviour" but hardly, "inappropriate teacher behaviour". If a teacher was behaving very inappropriately in class, then the title may be apt but not in this alleged set of circumstances.

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
22/10/2009 10:47 - Teenage Issues
I would agree on one thing. Treasa would need to be very careful of whom she would discuss a matter like this. The potential case is not alone what is important though. What about this teacher´s right to have her say? What about this teacher´s right to defend herself. Witch hunts like this are a very serious matter. Sadly, it seems that there has been much too much talk already and that this teacher may have been damaged far more than any alleged assault could cause.
Like another poster said, if there was drink involved on a particular night, on both sides, then who knows what the full circumstances were?

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
01/09/2009 12:49 - Teenage Issues
Trial by gossip or media is a gravely serious issue.

re : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
01/09/2009 10:12 - Teenage Issues
As it was not an incident involving kids and the woman has not actually been convicted of a crime, I am inclined to agree with the other posters that it is probably not appropriate to bring the issue to the attention of the school. However, if the situation changed, and she was subsequently convicted of an assault, I think this information would be relevant for any employer but in particular a school.

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
21/10/2009 20:34 - Teenage Issues
Going on what you´ve posted here that´s what I´m replying to, not second guessing.

If you were assaulted then by all means discuss it with the gardai and if there is evidence they can send a file to the DPP if they believe there is a case to answer.

However be careful who you discuss it with as you do not want to prejudice any potential court case.

If it goes to court and the teacher is convicted then by all means discuss the case in a truthful manner and I think if someone who works with children has a conviction for assault then it should be brought to their employers attention.

I as a parent wouldn´t want my children left with someone with a conviction for assault be it a teacher, childcare worker etc.

re : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
31/08/2009 17:45 - Teenage Issues
We have no idea what led up to this alleged incident. Where did this alleged incident take place? There was most likely drink involved. Did YOU have drink taken? Were there other people with the lady in question who witnessed the alleged incident? Was there provocation?
Perhaps I´m being Devil´s advocate but these are the kind of questions YOU will be asked if you start making allegations like the ones you have just made here. If this person is a young girl out with friends, if there was drink involved etc. etc. on that particular night then I´m not sure of the exact relevance of whether she was a nurse, a teacher, a guard, a psychiatrist etc. If there was totally inappropriiate behaviour in front of the children in her care, then that would be a very different matter.
You say you have friends whose children attend the school where this teacher works. Whatever the full circumstances of what happened that night are, it would be a very serious matter if this teacher´s name has been taken away from her, in front of those parents when it is only one side of the story they have heard.
Again, I was not present, I do not know all the circumstances but am trying to offer an objective opinion here. Often, when we are directly involved, emotions like anger can take us over and we may not see things as clearly as we might otherwise see them.
Hope this helps. It may not be what you would ask to hear but it is honest advice.

inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
31/08/2009 16:58 - Teenage Issues
Hi on a night out I was assaulted by a woman, who I later found out was a teacher. The assault was physical and I reported it to the guards and I am contemplating bringing it to court. I did not inform the guards that she was a primary school teacher as I did not know at the time. Should the school be informed about this incident? I do not have any children attending this school but my friends do and are rather worried about the behaviour of this particular teacher.

re... : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
01/09/2009 16:55 - Teenage Issues
I was was actually reluctant to contribute to this as I felt I would be giving this publicity. I think however that the heading of this topic is highly inappropriate in the circumstances. Singling out the fact that this person is a teacher (I am not one btw), in view of all the rest you have said, is far more inappropriate.

re : inappropriate teacher behavious           reply
01/09/2009 16:51 - Teenage Issues
What exactly do you mean by "assaulted"? The word itself has been totally overused in recent years. It stems from the fact that we have become an overly litigious society. Do you have bruises and injuries? I have heard so many allegations of "assaults" that weren´t actually assaults at all but minor bodily contact.

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