discrminative tendencies           11/01/2010 18:31 - Teenage Issues ----------------------------------- With most parents view on homosexuality being quite negative,and quite obviously this negativity rubs off on their children,how can a young person feel comfortable not being able to tell neither parents or friends.I hope I´m not the only person who feels the parents will have to adopt a much more accepting view on homosexuality, how do you feel about your children not being comfortable telling you who they are?
re : discrminative tendencies           03/03/2010 18:11 - Teenage Issues ----------------------------------- Liam, I do feel that if parents show full respect for and honour any views or expressions of individuality and difference that their children express from a very young age, it will help them to know that they are accepted for who they choose to be and that their parents understand that they are people in their own right, not to be moulded.