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class splitting

class splitting           reply
18/10/2013 11:22 - Education Cutbacks
My child´s school will lose a teacher next Friday and her class will be spilt between 2 other classrooms. My problem is as of yet we have not been told what classroom they will go into and what friend´s will be with my daughter and it´s a bit of a worry for her. Surely we should know by now? I just feel it´s inconsiderate of the children´s feelings.

re : class splitting           reply
22/10/2013 08:38 - Education Cutbacks
Hi there
I hope you´ve heard by now which way the class will be splitting. Either way I wouldn´t worry about it too much. Most schools make an effort to keep friends together. I had a similar situation a couple of years back with my child´s class splitting and they didn´t know till the day of the split who was with who. There was some anxiety beforehand but it all settled quickly.

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