Tips on avoiding over-consumption of sweets, anyone?
Tips on avoiding over-consumption of sweets, anyone?           18/12/2013 13:32 - Childrens Health (Locality: Dublin South) ----------------------------------- Hi, has anyone any tips on avoiding the epidemic of sweets in this country? My daughter is offered sweets practically everywhere she goes -- teachers, friends, relations, shop workers, after-school activities -- the junk is just being dished out, left, right and centre. At parties there´s rarely any food other than nasty, synthetic food. The sugar high is bad enough, but she goes really crazy when she has certain synthetic food. I have her on a good, healthy diet at home, and so this is such a shame. I don´t have sweets or bickies in the house and I give her dried fruit or crackers and cheese as a treat. She loves them! But then I´m undermined by what other people offer her. Anyone got any tips on what to do about this? Most people don´t pay any attention when I ask them not to give her this stuff (but a big thanks to those who do!!). What about non-Irish people living here, how does the sweet mania in Ireland compare to that in your country of origin?? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Cathal