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Standing desks at classrooms

Standing desks at classrooms           reply
07/04/2018 13:07 - Introduce Yourself
Hello there!

My name is Glauber and I am an undergraduate Marketing student at the National College of Ireland. I would like your help on a field research that I am conducting as part of a college project. A firm has approached us, students to carry on a research on how Irish parents feel about the introduction of standing desks into primary/secondary schools in Ireland. I would love to hear your opinion on this. I have attached a link to a very short survey. At the beginning of the survey, there is a short video showcasing a prototype of an ergonomic standing desk. Please watch and then answer a few questions, which will help me immensely on my college project!


Kindest regards,

Glauber Carneiro
Undergraduate student
National College of Ireland

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