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Preschool eligibility criteria

Preschool eligibility criteria           reply
21/08/2018 05:12 - Pre-school / Montessori (Locality: Dublin West)
Hi, My son is 2.6 years old. Is he eligible for the ECCE Scheme this September?
I heard that ECCE intake is once a year now. Is that true?

re : Preschool eligibility criteria           reply
21/08/2018 08:21 - Pre-school / Montessori
There will be only one eligibility entry point to the ECCE scheme from September 2018. Children must be 2 years 8 months by the 31st of August to start on the ECCE scheme in September.
Chat to your local preschools, some to get a space need to pay private fees to hold a space for next September..

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