re... : Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           06/09/2009 17:34 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Are these digital grinds only available for Maths??
Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           06/09/2009 17:24 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Hi everyone! This is something for all students doing Pass Maths at Leaving Cert. Level.
re... : Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           06/09/2009 18:20 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Many thanks. Are they available for Junior Cert as that´s of more relevance to my family at the moment?
re : Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           07/11/2009 12:55 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Excellent idea
re... : Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           06/09/2009 17:50 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Well most of the information in our new Pass Maths program will be quite applicable for Higher Level Jr. Cert. You would just have to double check with the book for areas you need not cover. Most of the algebra material for example would be relevant which is perhaps the most important of all topics when it comes to Maths for both Jr. and Leaving Cert. Sure sign up for the free tutorials and you make up your own mind. :-)
re... : Pass Leaving Cert. Maths News           06/09/2009 17:35 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Sorry. Are these available for Junior Cert?