Junior infants           23/09/2011 14:35 - Money Matters ----------------------------------- Hi my little girl just started in our local village school. It´s down as one of these disadvantaged schools, so they get a free school lunch... I understand that money comes from Europe so if it wasn´t used for lunches, it wouldn´t be givenfor anything else!!! Anyway I missed the first parents meeting! I have an illness and just couldn´t go, although I do intend to be involved.. So we got a letter home saying they want 60 euro book fees!!! Fair enough!! And voluntary €5 a week photocopying and supplies!!! And another 5 euro perhouse per week for the overcost of a new roof??? The thing is there hasbeen a lot of mo ey raised even through the summer, where is it?? Can we as parents ask to see the bOoks, and who do we ask... That seems like a lot!!!