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How to get on with teenagers?

How to get on with teenagers?           reply
08/10/2012 23:46 - Teenage Issues
I am a journalist with the news website I am writing a piece about how to get on with teenagers and I am asking a number of figures. I was hoping some mums might have some sterling advice that I could include in my article. Any advice you guys might have that would be useful, interesting or funny for our readers I would appreciate if you got in touch with me on or repy here. Thanks so much for your help.

re : How to get on with teenagers?           reply
24/11/2012 17:12 - Teenage Issues
Best advice i was given is not to be their friend. They have lots of friends, they need parents who will reign them in when they step out of line. Humour and lots of it is needed as they will test every limit! If a teenager has one "good adult" (i.e. someone that gives them time and attention, then they will feel supported. This can be a relative, friends older sibling, a teacher, mentor etc who takes notice in them without judging them. I think as adults we should remember how wonderful teenagers and how privileged we are to get to watch them grow and bloom into consider adults!

re... : How to get on with teenagers?           reply
25/09/2019 12:55 - Teenage Issues
Try to just be their friend. Keep your ground rules but remember they are going through a tough time

re : How to get on with teenagers?           reply
23/12/2020 12:10 - Teenage Issues
The best way to get along with teenagers is to make them feel that you understand them... and that you will always be by their side. It is also best to make sure that you always ask him/her about school, her/his feelings, or even the simplest thing. But be careful no to appear annoying. Basically let them feel that you care.

re : How to get on with teenagers?           reply
20/06/2021 18:39 - Teenage Issues
I think you should be a friend to him: share some of his activities and be interested in his hobbies. And the main thing is to respect them!

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