How much should I expect to pay?           24/03/2011 14:05 - How Much Should I Charge or Pay (Locality: Cork) ----------------------------------- Hi all,
I wonder if you could help me in what I should expect to pay a childminder for a 3.5 year old currently attending pre school 3 mornings a week and a 7 year old in school.
The hours would be 8.30 - 5.30 with drop off and collection of pre school and collection from school at 2.30.
Does the rate go upwards when it´s full time during the holidays?
So hours would be as follows until the summer:
3.5 year old - 1 hour in the morning and 5 hours in the afternoon x 3 days 9 hours x 2 days
7 year old 3 hours x 5 days
Summer would be full time i.e. 45 hours per week x 2 children.
After summer the 3.5 year old will be attending pre school 5 mornings a week, so 6 hours per day.