Hands On History           09/03/2009 15:17 - Introduce Yourself (Locality: Laois) ----------------------------------- Hi there. I have recently begun an interactive history programme and display called "Hands On History" where by I travel to schools nationwide to deliver a history lesson like no other. I bring with me an extensive array of items including weapons and uniforms and armour for both primary and post primary children to experiance and understand how our own and world history was written in a safe, educational and entertaining environment. When I began this venture I thought school boards and principals would value this alterative to expensive and time consuming school trips but I was sadly mistasken. Please share with me your thoughts or ideas on this venture. I am myself a struggling parent and it is with this in mind I endevoured to lighten the burden upon hard pressed families. Many thanks for taking the time to read this post. Jude Stynes