Dolch list - dyslexia           11/01/2010 20:38 - Dyslexia ----------------------------------- Parents working with their children with dyslexia may find the Dolch list of words provided on the website, useful.The Dolch list is a list of the most commonly used words in the english language. These should be taught using flash cards. Avoid using black, white or grey when writing flash cards. Also write carefully, the Comic Sans Print is child friendly. Children should not work on more than 5 NEW words at a time.
Children with dyslexia often have memory difficulties. They should work on the flash cards for a few minutes every day, but leave 24 hours between each time that they work on these words. If they can read the words for 3 consecutive days it is generally believed to be in their long term memory. However some children might need to work on the words for 6 days i.e Monday to Friday, take a break at week end and see if they can read the words again in Monday, it depends on the level of memory difficulty that the child has.
Parents/teachers should also try covering the page the child is reading with clear yellow or green plastic, it may or may not help.