Do you have a secondary school child with an allergy, Asthma or Diabetes? NB
Do you have a secondary school child with an allergy, Asthma or Diabetes? NB           02/11/2015 11:23 - School Specific (Locality: Dublin North) ----------------------------------- Hello! I am a final year student in Dublin Institute of Technology, I am doing a research project on Allergy and Chronic Illnesses such as Diabetes and Asthma Management in Secondary Schools. There is currently no government led policy in Ireland, constant for all schools, and it is a massive problem. We are far behind other European countries and the UK and children with these illnesses are at risk in school.
Do you have a child in Secondary school in Ireland, withan allergy, Asthma or Diabetes? It would be a huge step in the right direction if you could fill out a very quick survey, there is a separate survey for each.