re : DO NOT POST CHILDCARE ADS TO THESE THREADS           02/10/2012 08:38 - Introduce Yourself ----------------------------------- Can you fix the link? Every time I visit this great web site I can never find the childcare forum.
re... : DO NOT POST CHILDCARE ADS TO THESE THREADS           03/10/2012 08:48 - Introduce Yourself ----------------------------------- Aw thanks, there was another link in a closed forum that was missing the S from the link. Many thanks.
re... : DO NOT POST CHILDCARE ADS TO THESE THREADS           03/10/2012 08:42 - Introduce Yourself ----------------------------------- Hi D12, The link, in the post above, is working fine for us. A quicker way to access the Childminders Forum is by running your mouse over Parents Resources in the pencil above and selecting Childminders Forum from the drop down. Hope this helps. The Schooldays Team
DO NOT POST CHILDCARE ADS TO THESE THREADS           12/08/2010 09:19 - Introduce Yourself ----------------------------------- Please do not use the ´Introduce Yourself´ threads to seek or advertise childcare or to advertise services. These threads are only to introduce yourself to the forum. Childcare threads should be posted in our Childcare Forum on