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Creche Kilcullen Athgarvan

re : Creche Kilcullen Athgarvan           reply
28/01/2017 09:28 - Pre-school / Montessori
Have you asked for their inspection reports and any replies from the management/owners?? They are also available online, pobalmaps, think you need a pc to read them.
Also ask re staff turnover. Staff leaving generally highlights issues and small babies/toddlers its said are effected greatly by not having a continued bond with the caregivers.
Have you considered a childminder, a Tusla registered childminder will have same inspection criteria as a creche so quality and standards are aimed for (reports for both will tell if they are achieving them though). A notified childminder, smaller number of preschoolers so can´t be inspected by Tusla follow the regulations voluntary. See Childminding Ireland and your county childcare committee for their lists insured childminders if your interested.

Creche Kilcullen Athgarvan           reply
26/01/2017 14:21 - Pre-school / Montessori (Locality: Kildare)
Hi all. Just looking for bit of advice. Does anyone have any feedback or information about creches in Kilcullen or Athgarvan? I know about Kids academy already so looking for more options available also to make an informed decision.
Thanks again

re : Creche Kilcullen Athgarvan           reply
28/01/2017 09:08 - Pre-school / Montessori
Busy Fingers in Two Mile House is definitely worth considering.

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