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Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath          
01/11/2010 23:43 - School Specific
Sorry. I´m fairly new to this but have been asked by an old friend who is relocating from Australia next April if I could find out about primary school contact details in the Mulligar region. I´m not too sure where to start. Help!

re : Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath          
02/11/2010 23:49 - School Specific
Mullingar Schools here.

re... : Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath          
04/11/2010 20:37 - School Specific
That is very helpful indeed. Thank you both.

re... : Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath          
03/11/2010 15:39 - School Specific
All schools in the country are searchable under each county, in the schooldays site. Some have more details than others. if you get the nemes of the schools, google them and hopefully they´ll have a website, where you should find the contact details.

re... : Contact details for single-sex schools in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath          
04/11/2010 20:43 - School Specific
Just reading my last post which looks a bit random, in isolation. Just wanted to thank Colette for the pm and the helpful information. I also wanted to thank Birdie for tipping us off about how to search for schools. I had used that facility a couple of years ago but had forgotten completely about it. So thank you both again.

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