Children´s Influence on Purchases           11/02/2015 22:13 - Behaviour / Discipline ----------------------------------- Hi, I am doing a research project on the role that children play on parent´s purchase decisions. I would really appreciate it if you took 2 minutes of your time to complete this super quick and easy survey. The information you provide is for the purpose of an academic research and will be confidential. Please indicate your answer by ticking one box unless stated otherwise.
Please tick the strategies you can recognise that may have been used to influence your purchase decisions. (You can choose several answers)
☐ The child shows detailed knowledge about a certain product (Expert power) ☐ The child is seen to have the right to make a decision (Legitimate power) ☐ The child bargains and compensates with the parent by showing good behaviour or doing a chore (Reward power) ☐ The child has the power from being liked (Referent power) ☐ The child threatens the parent by using bothersome behaviour or complaining (Coercive power)
What strategy/strategies do you think are most effective to influence purchase decisions? (You can choose several answers)
☐ Expert power ☐ Legitimate power ☐ Reward power ☐ Referent power ☐ Coercive power ☐ Other (please specify):
What do you think causes a parent the most to give in to their child’s requests?
☐ They feel guilty from not spending enough time with their child ☐ The product is relatively cheap ☐ The child has shown good behaviour ☐ To avoid an argument ☐ They are afraid their child may be teased or bullied ☐ Other (please specify): __________________________________________________
Do you ever feel embarrassed giving in to your child’s desires? ☐ Yes ☐ Sometimes ☐ No
What do you think is the main age bracket which attempts to influence purchase decisions?
☐ 3-6 years ☐ 7-10 years ☐ 11-16 years
Obesity and other diet problems can be a consequence of children nagging their parents into buying certain foods.