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Attention Seeker

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
04/11/2009 08:08 - Behaviour / Discipline
Thanks for the advice. Well my husband took him to the doctors yesterday and he does have a slight virus but he can go to school today if he is up to it. Now knowing him he will stay at home. It is the lies and not listening to us that really gets to us he jsut ignores us. He is trying though to tell the truth but there are times when you don´t believe him. He reads all the time not that I am against it but he reads while getting dressed, on the stairs anywhere you can think of he is there reading. Like to see him outside more but at the moment it is not possible because of the bad weather we are having lately. Hopefully when we get the dog next week things will improve.

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
06/11/2009 11:14 - Behaviour / Discipline
Thank you Mother hen. There is a possiblity that he may have Asperges Syndrome we are looking into it. I do try and spend time with him. The school is working with him as well. They have a progamme for him and we are waiting on a waiting list to see a specialist who deals with this sort of thing. He has difficulty in motivaton skills but I think there is a lot more to it than that. He is a lovely boy do not get me wrong but difficult to deal with.

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
06/01/2011 20:48 - Behaviour / Discipline

I have a child who was being bullied, he hated going to school and would find ways of coming home to the safety of his family. I have a second child who reads all the time. He is bored at school because he is very bright and only needs to hear something once to get it. So I would say, check out the health issues, the syndromes etc but dont ignore the other possibilities.Also no one knows your child better than you. Use your own understanding of your child and look for reasons why things might be happening. Sibling rivalry can cause problems, putting asside particular time for individual family members can be useful. I took my son on a train journey one saturday, leaving behind his siblings, another day I took his brother shopping, leaving the older child at home. On these outings, the children are different. With one to one attention,they tell you all their news, which may not be told or heard in the busiers family setting. I would not have discovered my son was being bullied or that my younger child thought his brother was my favourite but for these little chats on our special outing. Alternatively, these catch up chats can happen at bed time, as long as they dont address any traumatic issues that might prevent rest.What ever happens, ask or allow the child the opportunity to share with you any worries or concerns that might be affecting him.

Nothing like a happy child and despite a few blips most are. If they are not this need immediate help.

re : Attention Seeker           reply
16/11/2009 11:42 - Behaviour / Discipline
hi zoe id say you have tried everything and nothing is working. i know you give all your kids the same amount of love and attention you dont give it to one and not the other. he is probably at the age that he thinks the others are getting more attention than him and when is says he is sick in school he thinks great i have my mums full attention.if he has something on like party etc and he says he has sore throat/sick and wants to come home from school then say well if your sick you cant go to the party if he throws a tantrum then tell him if your sick how can you go to a party etc try things like that and he might get out of it. also tell him that you have a sore throat but you still have to go to work you cant come home when you feel like it, play him at his own game and hopefully it will work good luck.

Attention Seeker           reply
03/11/2009 15:16 - Behaviour / Discipline
My eldest son who is 10 is attention seeking a lot and I do not know what to do? He is getting off school quiet a lot because he pretends or I think he is pretending that he has got a sore throat, cough, throwing up at school and then lo and behold he is feeling fine again when he is home. Eveytime when my other two children who are age 3 and 6 play lego he keeps Knocking over their models. He does other things as well like lying. Tried everything but not working. Please help.He is having trouble at school but I would like him to sort it out himself and not me all the time.

re : Attention Seeker           reply
03/11/2009 18:27 - Behaviour / Discipline
If he is "sick" again, straight to bed when he gets home, no tv, no psp or ds.

I wonder if school is impacting on home or vice versa,have you talked to teacher?It might be a good idea to ask to meet the teacher and get him to sit in on the end of the meeting, so he sees you are all together in this.

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
03/11/2009 21:02 - Behaviour / Discipline
Great advice from Kincora. You have to call your young man´s bluff. Also very important for him to see that home and school are of the one mind.

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
11/11/2011 16:25 - Behaviour / Discipline
The first thing that sprang to mind when I read your post was that there´s something wrong. I agree with Mother Hen and Pauls, you need to explore what´s going on, not punish him for behaving in this manner. A happy child does not develop these behaviours for no reason, it´s not just attention seeking for the sake of it and the underlying reason needs to be addressed. I hope all is going well....

re... : Attention Seeker           reply
04/11/2009 16:04 - Behaviour / Discipline
What has changed this little boy? Is there a problem at school that is causing this behaviour or have things changed at home? I think you need to speak to his teacher privately and tell her/him what is going on. They can keep a special eye on the situation at school and try to see if he is having a particular problem. Such a change so suddenly suggests to me that this is a reason for all of this and lying, being sick etc., is just your son acting out for attention.
Try to spend some one on one time with him also just doing things that you both enjoy. You can work at this to make a strong connection with your son and then, as informally as possible, have a chat about what is going on for him. When you have built up the connection, then he will be able to open up to your more freely. Take your time with this - it will take a lot of patience.
Best of luck.

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