Action on Education Cut Backs
re... : Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 14:00 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- Hi again busymum You didn´t mention who initiated circulating the letter to parents in your school. It´s just I don´t want to stand on anyones toes! Should it come from the Parents Association or the school..... or maybe it doesn´t matter?
re... : Action on Education Cut Backs           11/04/2011 08:23 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- Please see my petition on its called SNA Cap and ´Pause´ on Resource Teaching. I started it yesterday and have reached 175 signatures so far. If you read it and believe it then please sign it and pass it on to as many people as you know. This petition will be presented to the Dept. of Education by a diverse group covering all sectors of the education system including parents. Thanks..
re... : Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 13:45 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- Hi, Below is a sample for government TDs and councillors etc., I am totally outraged by the savage cuts in education announced in the budget. I am totally outraged that our children, the most vunerable and yet most valuable resource for the future of our country, have been attacked in this way. I am totally outraged that our government places so little value on our and your children. I am totally outraged that your pre-election promises and post election programmes for government are so easily scrapped. I am most outraged that you, elected by me and other parents, did not represent your electorate in the Dail motion to reverse these savage cuts. What has happened to democracy? I am now demending you, as my elected representative to act on my behalf in reversing these savage cuts. YOU depend on me and all other parents for our votes, now we are depending on YOU to take action in this matter. YOUR action will determine your political future. You must act now. DO THE RIGHT THING, REVERSE THE CUTS! I demand your immediate response. Your sincerely, Hope parents will send this letter to councillors (local elections next year). These cuts need to be explained to parents in detail. This is not a teacher issue, its a child issue. Thank you.
re... : Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 14:35 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- It was drafted by the school staff on a request from the parents.
Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 12:27 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- Hi, I am a mum of 3 boys, two school going - I am disgusted with the recent education cut backs. Our school are holding meetings and organising protests at our local TD clinics. I would love to hear from other parents to see what they are doing in their schools. We were handed sample letters to post or e mail to our councillors and TDs and also signed petition. Would love some feedback about other schools.
re... : Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 13:58 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- If you are sending out the letter that Busymum has provided you can find all the contact details for your local representatives on the ASTI website using the following link. Might be an idea to print off the list of the representatives in your area and to give out the list when distributing the letter. That way there is more chance that parents might take the time to send the letter
re : Action on Education Cut Backs           10/11/2008 13:03 - Education Cutbacks ----------------------------------- Hi Busymum I feel the momentum of anger sees to be dying down on the education cuts which is an awful pity. Who organised the sample letters to be circulated to parents in your school - did it come from other parents, the Parents Assoc or Teachers. I might see if I can get something circulated in our school.