5th & 6th Class Books Second Hand for Sale           02/08/2013 16:43 - Schoolbooks / Uniforms (Locality: Galway) ----------------------------------- I have the following books for sale all in excellent condition, preferbably for collection in the Galway city region. Text between 6-8pm evenings only to 087 652 0959 5th class Starry Links E7.95 Starry Links Matter of Fact E6.20 Bun go Barr 5 E8.20 Alive O 7 E6.10 Mathemagic 5 E8.20
6th class Return to Troy E5.00 Hello Universe Stories & Poetry E7.95 Hello Universe Matter of Fact E6.20 Bun go Barr 6 E8.20 Window of the World Geography E5.00 History Quest 6 E5.00 Mathemagic 6 E8.20 The New First Aid in English 2nd ed E5.00