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5 year old - junior infants, not listening and being a little hyper

re : 5 year old - junior infants, not listening and being a little hyper           reply
06/09/2011 13:43 - Behaviour / Discipline
Your daughter sounds like a very confident and happy little girl. Rather than feeling guilty, you should be patting yourself on the back for rearing her in a way that allowed her to be confident and happy! Starting school is a big step for children and it takes time for them to adjust to the situation and the rules within a class room. She is only just over one week at school and will settle in and learn how she should behave. She may also still be a little excited or nervous about school and that may also have her a little overactive. Don’t worry – I am sure that many teachers will have had similar experiences with this age group.
You can help her to learn how to behave at school. Firstly, explain how it is important that each child stays quiet and pays attention. Tell her that if she doesn’t pay attention then she won’t know what the teacher is saying and it is important that she knows. Explain to her about putting her hand up if she wants to speak, sitting quietly and so forth. You could draw a picture chart with her showing her arriving at school, sitting at her desk, raising her hand to speak, paying attention and so forth. At the last picture, if you and she are happy (simple smiling faces will do) then she gets a star on her star chart. When she has a certain number of stars, then she gets a little treat. This will encourage and teach her how to behave and soon it will become natural for her to behave that way at school. Let the teacher know what you are doing so that she can encourage your daughter also and perhaps share in her good news when she gets a treat.
Well done for rearing such a lovely little girl – do let us know how you get on.

5 year old - junior infants, not listening and being a little hyper           reply
06/09/2011 10:22 - Behaviour / Discipline
Please help. This might sound a bit like the over protective mother panicking over nothing but I would really be grateful for a little bit of advice. My 5 year old daughter started school last week. She was the perfect child heading into school,there was no drama, I got my kiss and off she went. On thursday she came home and told me that the teacher told her not to be looking down at her shoes, to look at the board. I didn´t think too much of it at the time. Everyday when she was coming home I was quetioning her about her day and how she got on. She said she was great and that teacher didn´t have to give out to her because she was so good. Then yesterday I asked her if she was good in school and she said yes but I knew by her answer that something had happened so went in this morning and spoke to the teacher who informed me that she has come under her radar a few times. She is a little hyper and she has had to tell her to do things more than once on more than one occasion. She doesn´t seem to have any ´fear´ of the teacher and apparently thinks she can do her own thing as a result. She is a very intelligent child , so much so that she could write and spell and add quite a bit ever before she started school. She wrote Christmas cards last Christmas to all of the kids in her montesorri class. I´m worried that she is an only child and has been raised around quite a lot of adults and I fear that as a result she is lacking in the required respect for grown ups. I parted ways with her dad when she was two and we have both subsequently moved on with our lives. He stil plays an active part in her life but has a family of his own now. I fear that I have done something wrong to cause her acting up like and I feel a huge burden of guilt. Any advice or comments would be greatly welcomed. Thanks

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