Recent research has shown a strong connection between success in school and the type of support parents can give to their children. The findings of this research emphasise a number of important things that you as parents can do to help your children to do well in school.
- take an interest in your children’s progress in school
- talk to them about what happens in school
- talk to them about what they are learning
- help your children with their homework in an appropriate way
- have high expectations of your children but always recognize their particular strengths and weaknesses
- praise and encourage them
- read to your children, tell them stories, and encourage them to talk about the characters in the stories and what happens to them
- bring your children on outings, to concerts, to plays (including those presented by local amateur groups), and become involved with them in different leisure activities
- have an active and helpful relationship with the school
- have regular communication with your children’s class teachers
- participate in and attend school activities.
Source: Your Child’s Learning – Guidelines for Parents – Published by the Department of Education 1999
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