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Immunisation schedule for children

Globally and in Ireland, immunisation happens at an early age because young babies are vulnerable...

Contingency arrangements in the event of unforeseen school closures

The following is an extract from Department of Education Circular Letter 0072/2022 The parties have...

Tips for Organising a Sponsored Cycle

You may find that this guide contains a lot more detail than you need depending...

About Educate Together Schools

Ethos & Mission Educate Together is the representative organisation for primary & secondary multi-denominational schools...

What to Tell Children if they are Being Bullied

What to Do Act as confident as you can. Face them and tell them clearly...

Shopping with Kids tips!

Take the stress out of shopping with the kids We’ve all been there: brought the...

School Attendence

There is no absolute legal obligation on children to attend school nor on their parents...

Concern about bullying by a Teacher or a staff member

If you have a concern about an incident which occurred between your child and their...

Recognising and Assessing Dyslexia in your child

Dyslexia can only be properly and fully diagnosed by an Educational Psychologist who can identify...

Primary Teachers in Ireland to Receive Foreign Language Training Over Several Years

Ireland’s primary school teachers are set to undergo training to teach foreign languages, a move...

Apps to help Kids Out with their Irish

Young primary school aged kids are like sponges that soak up everything so its important...

Choosing a Nanny

Nannies are from 20yrs of age upwards. They will have completed a course in childcare...

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