Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 22/11/2019. Tags: Teachers Education And Politics
The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone TD, is pleased to announce funding of €1,514,000 under the What Works initiative to support the Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) responses that align with intended actions contained in the draft policy Blueprint for the development of educational services.
What Works initiative focuses on enhancing several key areas, one being quality in prevention and early intervention policy, service and practice. The approved measures will provide a platform for further development following the finalisation of the draft Blueprint.
What Works initiative funding supports Tusla Education Support Service (TESS). Funding allocations in 2019 include the following:
iScoil provision in selected School Completion Programme sites - €100,000
Delivery of the TESS integrated CPD - €141,000
National conference for School Completion Programme practitioners in 2020 - €25,000
Establish Education Welfare Officer co-location in the Reception Integration Agency - €8,000
€1,240,000 is being provided to the School Completion Programme
Each School Completion Programme will receive an additional €8,000 in 2019
Proof of concept – iScoil provision in selected School Completion Programme (SCP) sites: €100,000. iScoil is a non-profit online learning service that offers young people an alternative path to learning, accreditation and progression. It provides a safe learning environment where young people can re-engage with education, achieve recognised QQI certification and access further education, training and employment opportunities.
Delivery of the Tusla Education Support Service integrated CPD, based on the School Completion Programme CPD framework and agreed programmes/training supported where possible by ABC providers: €141,000
National conference for School Completion Programme (SCP) practitioners in 2020: €25,000
Establish Education Welfare Officer (EWO) co-location in the Reception Integration Agency, to support transition of refugee and migrant children into mainstream schools: €8,000
In addition, €1,240,000 is being provided to the School Completion Programme (SCP). This funding will afford the SCPs the capacity to carry out preparatory work and support organisational development within their respective programmes in advance of finalisation and implementation of the policy Blueprint.
Each School Completion Programme (SCP) will receive an additional €8,000 in 2019 with the balance to support up to 20 SCPs to deliver support to high priority students.
Source: Press Release
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