School Year Calendar Arrangements 2020/2021
Check out the school year calendar arrangements below along with links to some of the most popular sections on the site throughout each month of the school year on the right.
- January 2021 -
Key Dates for January
Wednesday 6th January - Schools re-open
January = BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, is going virtual
- February 2021 -
Key Dates for February
February Mid-Term Break*
Secondary closed 15th to 19th Feb incl.
Primary closed 18th- 19th Feb with option to extend to 5 day break. *NB changes to these dates may occur as part of contingency arrangements to make up for lost school time
1st February - CAO Closing Date
- March 2021 -
Key Dates for March
Wednesday 17th March - Saint Patricks's Day
Engineers Week - 27th February - 5th March
- April 2021 -
Key Dates for April
Final Day of Term 26th March
School Closed 29th March to 9th April inclusive
*NB changes to these dates may occur as part of contingency arrangements to make up lost school time
Easter Camp Section coming soon
- May 2021 -
Key Dates for May
Monday 3rd May = May Bank Holiday
End of May/beginning June - Secondary schools finish
- June 2021 -
Key Dates for June
7th June = Bank Holiday
9th June - Leaving Cert exams
View Leaving Cert Timetable
Visit our Summer Fun Section
Additional School Holidays and Closures
Under Department of education rules, there is a requirement for a school to be open for a minimum of 167 days at post primary level and 183 days at primary level. So, while the school year is standardised for holidays and mid-term breaks, schools have discretion to arrange teaching days outside these periods. Many schools will use their discretionary days to determine the start and end of the school year. Some schools use their discretionary days for extended bank holiday breaks and others extend the May bank holiday break to a full week. Parents therefore need to check with their own schools for details of school holidays and closures extra to those shown in the school calendar above.
Contingency arrangements are also in place in the event that schools need to make time due to unforeseen school closures – view contingency arrangements