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Minister McEntee announces final phase of free schoolbooks scheme

From Department of Education 

Published on 5 February 2025

Last updated on 5 February 2025

Minister for Education and Youth Helen McEntee has today (Wednesday) announced the details of the final phase of the Post-Primary Schoolbooks Scheme.

Free schoolbooks and core classroom resources will be provided to all students in post-primary schools in the Free Education Scheme from the 2025/26 school year.

Some 400,000 students, enrolled in approximately 672 post-primary schools and over 80 special schools, will benefit from the extension of the scheme.

Minister McEntee said:

“I want to ensure that all of our children and young people have the opportunity of access to education which empowers them to thrive and realise the full extent of their potential. Today is a landmark day in that regard; for the first time, almost one million students will get free schoolbooks from the start of the 2025 / 2026 school year.

“I want to acknowledge and commend the work of my predecessor Minister Norma Foley in commencing the free school books scheme. This funding package of over €123 million will ensure we provide schoolbooks to all post-primary students within the Free Education Scheme. It is a permanent measure that will help to ease the financial burdens facing families at back-to-school time.

“My department is putting in place an enhanced administration support grant package for post-primary schools in recognition of the volume of work to be undertaken this year with the further expansion of the scheme. A tailored procurement solution to support schools which will also be up and running in the coming weeks.

“As I commence in the role as Minister for Education and Youth I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of school leaders and school communities the length and breadth of Ireland who were key to the success of the implementation of the Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme in 2024.”

Speaking about the free schoolbooks scheme, Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion, Michael Moynihan said:

“I’ve spoken with many parents and guardians about the stress of back-to-school costs, and I know how much of a difference the free schoolbooks scheme can make. That’s why I’ve been a strong advocate for expanding the free schoolbooks scheme to post-primary schools. It’s one less thing for families to worry about during a very hectic time of year.

“Importantly, where a student in a special school is enrolled in Junior and Senior Cycle programmes, the school will receive the post-primary schoolbooks rate. This will help to further support their learning and development.

“As with the primary scheme, post-primary schools have the flexibility to use funding to purchase classroom resources to meet the specific learning needs of students once the cost of schoolbooks and core classroom resources are met. This flexibility is particularly important for students with special educational needs.

“Ultimately, this scheme is about making sure every child and young person in post-primary schools has what they need to learn, thrive and grow. I hope this helps ease some of the financial strain families face when getting ready for the school year.”

Schools will also separately be provided with an Administration Support Grant to assist with the roll-out and implementation of the scheme and to relieve any additional administrative burden.

The Post-Primary Schoolbooks Scheme means that:

  • schoolbooks, as well as core classroom resources such as journals, copybooks, dictionaries and calculators, will be provided for all students in post-primary schools in the Free Education Scheme. There is no need for parents or guardians to buy or rent these items
  • schools will be provided with sufficient funding to cover the costs of providing these items
  • schoolbooks are the property of the school and must be returned at the end of the school year or at the end of Junior/Senior Cycle.

To support the administration of this scheme, the department is allocating an Administration Support Grant to post-primary schools for the 2025/26 school year, based on the size of the school, to assist with any additional work required to implement the scheme. Schools may use this grant to employ an individual(s) to carry out administrative work on the scheme or use the money towards other administrative costs associated with implementing the scheme.

The department is issuing guidance shortly on the scheme for post-primary schools and any post-primary schools with queries about the scheme can contact the department directly.

Over the coming period the department will publish the guidance for schools and all information on how the scheme will operate.


Post-primary Schoolbooks Scheme

The implementation of a new scheme in 2025 is built on the existing Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme which is available in all recognised post-primary schools in the Free Education Scheme, including special schools. The scheme is now available to all Junior and Senior Cycle, including Transition Year, students.

Similar to the Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme for 2024/25, funds will be provided directly to schools to purchase schoolbooks, and core classroom resources. Schools purchase books directly from schoolbook suppliers at present as part of the implementation of the Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme 2024/25. There is also a provision where schools can purchase schoolbooks second-hand from parents or other sources.

Schools are permitted discretion in how the schoolbook grant funding is used, on the basis that it eliminates the overall cost of schoolbooks and core classroom resources for parents and guardians. Parents/guardians will not be asked to purchase schoolbooks or core classroom resources, or to contribute to the school towards the cost of these items.

The scheme ensures that value for money is achieved, and that schools are supported to implement the scheme in a way that supports the best learning outcomes for students. Schools will continue to have autonomy to choose schoolbooks that meet curricular requirements.

Schoolbooks will remain the property of the school, and schools will ensure that, as far as possible, all schoolbooks are returned at the end of the school year or at the end of Junior/Senior Cycle for re-use in the following year/cycle.

Following the receipt of feedback from schools and education partners, the department has put in place an enhanced Administration Support Grant to post-primary schools to assist with the roll out and implementation of the scheme and to relieve the administrative burden on schools.

A full evaluation of the first year of the Post-primary Schoolbooks Scheme at Junior Cycle is underway in consultation with the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, to inform guidance, implementation, costs and efficiency of the scheme for future years.

Guidance document

A guidance document is being developed for post-primary schools on how the scheme will operate. When final, the guidance will be published at


Funding will issue directly to schools by the end of February 2025. Schools will be notified when payment is made.


Schools, like other organisations that receive public sector funding, have obligations that stem from both EU and national public procurement rules when sourcing goods and services.

Where a schoolbook contract is less than €50,000 in total value (excluding VAT) schools may procure this by requesting three written quotations from three suppliers. A standard template is available.

These schools will also be encouraged to use the new online Dynamic Purchasing System, which is being established by the department to support schools with their procurement requirements.

The use of this Dynamic Purchasing System is obligatory for all schoolbooks contracts worth over €50,000 in total value (excluding VAT). It will be based on 21 regional lots and all local suppliers will be encouraged to sign up.

The department will be in contact with post-primary schools shortly in relation to the Dynamic Purchasing System and will provide bespoke supports and resources to schools in relation to its operation.


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