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Tips for Organising a School Cake Sale

Parental Help

Send notes out to the parents advising of the cake sale and asking them to send in cakes with their children on a certain date. A good idea is to ask parents to label any cake tins they want returned to them. Also ask them to give a small amount of money, usually a couple of euro to each child to spend at the cake sale. Make sure you have loads of helpers/parents lined up for the morning.

They need to be in the school hall to take the cakes from the children when they arrive at school and to prepare for the event. Have parents at each table section selling the cakes, perhaps 40 cent each or 3 for a euro. Provide money containers for the helpers and ensure that you have plenty of small change in advance as most of the kids will want to spend their money at different tables!


Set out tables in the hall in a large U-shape and distribute a range of cakes around the tables (covered with paper tablecloths) which should be added too throughout the morning.

If you have a lot of large cakes, slice these up so that children can buy slices. Class groups are usually invited to the hall , perhaps two classes at a time , for 15 minutes when they can buy their cakes. Issue each child with a clear plastic bag as they enter the hall so they have something to put their purchases in. Make sure that you keep back a sufficient range of cakes so that the class groups that come down later in the morning don’t feel hard done by.

Additional funds can be raised by organising a raffle for the same day as the cake sale. Send home a book or ticket sheet with child two weeks before the cake sale and ask parents to buy tickets and return the money before the cake sale date. Ask local business to donate prizes which will then be raffled on the day of the cake sale. The organising committee complete the raffle and send the prizes home with the children (along with any cake tins that have to be returned).

If you’ve any tips on organising a School Cake Sale, please add them to the comments section below

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