While the event is more suited to children in 1st class upwards, Junior and Senior infants can participate if parents read short books to them. Run the book blitz over a period of approximately 1 month so as to allow sufficient time for the students to read a number of books. Each student should be issued with a sponsorship card. One side of the card allows for sponsors to fill in their details indicating how much money they will donate for each title read.
The other side of the card provides a form where the child or parent can list the titles read, and there should also be a space for a parent or class teacher to verify each title read with their signature. Send out a notice to all parents advising how the Blitz will work and ask them to encourage and supervise their children’s participation Issue each child with a certification of participation at the end of the Book Blitz with perhaps the child who reads the most books in each class receiving a medal. Set a deadline for submission of the sponsorship money and send a reminder home to parents if necessary. If you’ve any tips on how to run a Book Blitz, please add them to the comments section below
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