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Course Ref: SD0124
Supporting Wellbeing
in your School

17th July – 16th Aug
20 hours



This online course focuses on your wellbeing as a teacher, on how you can stay grounded in yourself when dealing with stressful situations in your everyday life, and how you can improve your self-esteem, and the self-esteem of your pupils and colleagues.

Would you like to bring mindfulness into all aspects of your school day?

Would you like practical techniques on how to foster positive professional relationships?

This course is of relevance to all members of the school community, parents, SNAs and Boards of Management, as well as teachers. Although some of this course is targeted at the primary school environment, there are many useful tips and resources of equal relevance to all school levels

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to enhance wellbeing of teachers through wellbeing techniques, mindful communications and positive relationships within the school community. The course will inform your practice and help improve the learning outcomes of the pupils in your care.  You will have the opportunity to practice and share wellbeing and mindfulness techniques, helpful for you, your pupils and your school. The course references the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice 2018-2023 (DE, 2018).

Learning Outcomes

  • You will have the opportunity to interact with other teachers on the course topics and create practical samples and access resources for school use while also reflecting on your learning. 
  • You will have gained in-depth mindfulness, wellbeing and communication techniques to support your school practice, and in this way promote wellbeing and positive relationships in the school community.
  • You will will have gained an understanding of the supports and resources for schools in creating positive learning outcomes for the pupils in your care.

Course Modules

Module 1:
1.1 Introduction to the course
1.2 Participants will be enabled to understand the emerging role of the teacher and of others in the school community in supporting wellbeing
1.3 Teachers will share their school’s wellbeing initiatives and learn about other schools’ initiatives to support pupil wellbeing and teacher collaborative practice

Module 2:
2.1 Participants will be enabled to communicate effectively using skills learned on the course in coaching, mentoring, listening and questioning skills
2.2 Teachers will have shared and analysed wellbeing methods to support pupil learning experiences and outcomes

Module 3:
3.1 Teachers will have learned how to develop wellbeing and mindfulness through MBSR, CBT and EFT techniques
3.2 Participants will also have examined how to enhance wellbeing through the School Self-evaluation proces

Module 4:
4.1 Participants will have learned first steps in positive communications with parents and pupils
4.2 Participants will be able to plan for successful PTMs
4.3 Participants will be able to discuss strategies to develop positive school community relations

Module 5:
5.1 Participants will have examined how to develop positive communication and collaboration around the pupil with additional needs
5.2 Participants will have learned how to create a behaviour or support plan
5.3 Participants will have learned techniques to enhance wellbeing for themselves and their SEN pupils

Note this course is NOT RUNNING IN 2024

Enrol NOW

This course is approved by the Department of Education & Skills as part of the 2024 Courses programme for Primary Teachers.
Total course time is 20 hours with a minimum of 13 hours online. There is no synchronous/live requirement on this course. Participants will be expected to participate in course forums and submit assignments as required. Tutors will be available for support and feedback. Access to the course will be available from 17th July to 16th August 2024. On completion of the course qualifying teachers will receive a CPD Certificate and will qualify for 3 EPV Days.

The course will also be open on the same dates to SNAs, Secondary School Teachers, Childcare Workers, Childminders and Parents who feel that they may benefit from the course

Our Support team are on hand to answer all your queries, either by phone or e-mail.
Online Forum: Check your Course Homepage
Phone: 01 4406608
Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
