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Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

The purpose of this allowance is to help families on social welfare and Health Service Executive payments meet the cost of uniforms and footwear for children who are attending school. The scheme operates from June 2024 to 30th September 2024. If you automatically qualify for the 2024 Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance payment you will receive an award notification to your MyWelfare account or by post before the 6 June 2023.

If you do not automatically qualify and have not received an award notification by the 6 June, you will need to apply for the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance online here. More information on applying is available here.

Your child must be aged between 4-17 on 30th September 2024. If they are aged between 18-22, they must be returning to full-time second-level education in a recognised school or college in the autumn of the year you are applying. The scheme does not apply to those in third level education. To be eligible for the allowance the applicant (parent or guardian) must be receiving certain social welfare payments or payments for training, employment schemes or adult education. Total household income must also be below a certain amount. All of the restrictions are available here

The rates are age-related as follows:

€160 for each child aged 4-11 on or before 30th September 2024
€285 for each child aged 12-22 on or before 30th September 2024

How do I know if I am automatically receiving the payment?

It is expected that the administrative arrangements for the 2024 Scheme will be largely the same as last year. Many people will receive the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance payment automatically. Notifications will issue to your MyWelfare accounts or by post in June. If you have not received an award notification for Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance and you satisfy the qualifying conditions, you will need to make an application online at, even if you have automatically received the payment in previous years.

To apply online you must have a verified MyGovID account. Details can be found here on how to verify your MyGovID account. If you have not received a letter confirming an automated payment by mid June you will need to submit an application, even if you received the payment last year.

If you have a child over 18 years who will be returning to second-level education, you will need to apply for the allowance of this child again and provide confirmation that they are returning to second-level education.

To apply online you must have a verified MyGovID account. If you do not have a verified MyGovID account, you can contact the BSCFA contact centre on 071 91 93318 or 0818 11 11 13 and officers will be able to facilitate you becoming MyGovID verified.

You can get also help with applying for a MyGovID at your Intreo Centre, Social Welfare Branch office or nearest Citizens Information Centre.

Click here for further information on the scheme.

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