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Education News in Ireland

All the latest updates for parents, teachers and students in Ireland!
Minister McEntee announces final phase of free schoolbooks scheme
From Department of Education  Published on 5 February 2025 Last updated on 5 February...
Help With CAO For Parents And Students As Deadline Approaches
For students planning to go to college, the next important deadline is almost here – the closing...
HEAR Image
Going To College: The HEAR & DARE Schemes
HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) and DARE (Disability Access Route) are third level admissions schemes...
Coping with Homework at Secondary School
If you have an older child in secondary school, extra time to study may be important. Your teen will...
Leaving Certificate
Teachers Support

Coping with Homework!

The completion of homework is a big issue in many homes. Some children enjoy their...

Free Primary School Books Scheme

It was announced in  Budget 2023 that every primary school and special school in the country...

Junior Cycle School Books Scheme

Details of the new School book scheme for Junior cycle were set out by the...

Know the Signs of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Protect your Child

Each winter parents and healthcare staff are battling the rising numbers of young babies and...

Dealing with abusive text messages

The phenomenon of bullying by abusive text messages presents a particular difficulty for parents. Young...

Is my child bullying others?

If you suspect your son or daughter is bullying another child, you need to take...

Stopping bullying before it starts!

There is a great deal that we as parents can do to lessen the likelihood...

Concern about bullying by a Teacher or a staff member

If you have a concern about an incident which occurred between your child and their...

Persistent Bullying

What Happens If The School Does Not Respond To My Concerns? Some parents have had...

Approaching Your School with a Bullying Issue

Parents are sometimes reluctant to complain to their school about their children being bullied. You...

Is my child bullying others?

If you suspect your son or daughter is bullying another child, you need to take...

What to Tell Children if they are Being Bullied

What to Do Act as confident as you can. Face them and tell them clearly...

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